Build Back Better Elul Rally

August 29, 2021

Jewish Community Call for Climate Action

If not us, who? If not now, when?

As we entered the High Holiday season, we called on the Jewish community of Colorado to commit to collective action for climate justice. A rally and a communal shofar-blowing stirred our souls and called our Senators, Representatives, and our Jewish and wider communities to action.

Facing increasing drought and wildfire in Colorado - interspersed with devastating floods - we demanded our elected officials take bold action o do what is necessary to ensure a sustainable future.

This event was part of a massive, grassroots effort by Jewish communities across the country who were mobilizing to ensure Congress pass climate change legislation in 2021 at the scale that science and justice demand.

Click here to see footage from the rally on Denver7 local news.


Air Quality and Climate Justice in Colorado